Avendale Maps

Maps for the city of Avendale, a homebrew setting in my Dungeons and Dragons world known as Oranth.
  1. This small village exists a small journey outside of the city of Avendale. It has recently been abandoned, but nobody really knows what's hiding...
  2. The city of Avendale. There is a lot of history to this place that I have written out, but the city itself was the kickoff point to my homebrew dnd...
  3. Hidden beneath the crumbling remains of Villa Velanova is a hidden room that leads out to a small, natural cavern that opens up behind the waterfall...
  4. Villa Velanova was once a resplendent get away, a family mansion with a glorious, well kept garden that was the envy far and wide to other with great...
  5. The Hand Eye Lodge was believed to be a temple to Kord for the longest time. They held the appropriate daily rituals and allowed several followers a...
  6. Fellain Shelter is mirrored to some degree with its Fey presence. Many of the rooms are recognizable as overlaps to the ones on the material plane,...
  7. Lost to time, this series of caves known in lore as the Fellain Shelter house many secrets including a lost race, a cultivated mushroom patch with...
  8. Erebus's Tower was once an old guard station set up on the main road leading to Avendale. Over time it was abandoned and let to fall apart. An...
  9. The Avendale Graves is a cemetery located just outside of Avendale. These graves are home to incredible men and women of lore including the first...
  10. The Abbey of St. Plebius. Based on a classic transept design for medieval church architecture, this cathedral holds a major relic that drew settlers...
Showing photos 1 to 10 of 10