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  1. Map request

    The region is Middle East.
  2. Map request

    Hi, I am looking for a cartographer who specialises in hand drawn maps.
  3. Over Here Over There Oh Wait....Over THERE Too....

    The human mind is pretty amazing. I'm fascinated by mine. How can it possibly keep coming up with idea after idea and then chasing after said ideas like a puppy chasing a ball. I was happily working on my "Adventures of Calan Stonebridge" encounter map series and a long shelved project was suddenly unearthed by my brain like a child finding a dusty box in Grandmothers attic. I don't think I have ADD, I just think my brain is trying to get it's "to do" list done. Calan Stonebridge, ...

    Updated 10-30-2012 at 03:44 PM by jtougas

  4. The Adventures of Calan Stonebridge Part Three

    Here is part three of the text-only version of The Adventures of Calan Stonebridge.

    Calan Stonebridge could not remember a time when he had been more sore. He had spent the last few hours huddled under a foul smelling tarp in the back of a stolen grave diggers wagon. The rough planks of the floor of the wagon had dug into his flesh and the hard ride had given him bruises he was sure would never heal. The roads outside of Riverhewn had been hard packed due to a lack of rain and he ...

    Updated 10-30-2012 at 03:44 PM by jtougas

    Story Snippets
  5. The Adventures of Calan Stonebridge Part Two

    Here is part two of the text-only version of The Adventures of Calan Stonebridge

    Calan Stonebridge ran up the stairs and out of the horrifying basement as fast as his legs would carry him. He found a door pulled it open and ran outside. He could hear the sound of footsteps and yelling behind him he ducked behind some crates and tried to sit very still. "What do you mean you didn't leave the bolt off?!" Calan heard the rough male voice ask someone. "I mean I didn't leave ...

    Updated 10-30-2012 at 03:45 PM by jtougas

    Story Snippets