Conversation Between DanielHasenbos and ChickPea

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. Than you for the rep ChickPea!
  2. Thank yo for the rep and comment ChickPea!
  3. Thanks for the rep and comment ChickPea!
  4. Thank you for the rep and comment, ChickPea!
  5. Thanks for the rep ChickPea!
  6. Thanks for the rep!
  7. Thanks for the rep!
  8. My hand-drawing skills are awful, so I'm not really the best person for advice. Possibly Tainotim might be able to give you some tips. I hope you figure something out, as it's a really love map and I'd love to see it with little red roofs!
  9. Thanks for the rep! If you have any experience with digitally colouring hand drawn maps, please share it with me because I would love to colour it but have no idea how ;p
  10. Hey, thanks for the rep and your comment! Glad you liked the map.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 20
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