Conversation Between - JO - and Kellerica

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks Kell !!! For the rep and nice word !
    C'mon, give it a try ! It won't take too long, and I would love to see what you would do with that !!!
  2. I think we have to thank the guild masters for that !! They're doing an amazing job !
  3. I know, right? The Guild is this bizarre Utopian island in the ocean of crapstorms that normally is the internet. It never ceases to amaze me.
  4. Many thanks Kellerica ! I’m glad you feel the same way ! I’m always amazed by the respect and the quality of all the discussions here at the guild. So, it’s really possible !?!
  5. Thanks for your nice words and for the rep on that city ! Much appreciated !
  6. Thanks a lot for the REP on my city map ! Much appreciated !
  7. Thanks for the rep ! Glad you liked it
  8. You are very welcome, as it is much deserved !
  9. Thanks for the rep!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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