Conversation Between Mouse and Kellerica

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well... kind of Thanks very much for the rep
  2. Well deserved
  3. Thanks for the rep, much appreciated!
  4. Aaaw, thanks

    I will try to be around a bit more in a few weeks time
  5. Fair enough. You're just usually so super active, not having you comment on every map I post feels strange... Plenty of people could be gone for months and I probably wouldn't even notice, but you are a different story! Best of luck to getting that new machine!
  6. Hey Kelleri

    I'm around and about at odd times now and then. Been very very busy just lately. And I need to be. Its the only way to make enough to get a new machine. This one doesn't work at all now on any of my old GIMP maps. I have 1.5GB available memory to use, and that's it - all there is left once the OS is up and running.

    I will be back eventually, though. I'm half way to my target on the funding front already, and that's despite only getting to have 20% of everything I earn
  7. Yo Mouse, where the hell ya been? I feel like I haven't seen you around in ages
  8. LOL! I forget they are there sometimes!

    You're very welcome, Kelleri - and thank you
  9. Hey, I just realized I probably never have thanked you for all the textures you've made available! The stone ones in particular I treasure and use all the time. Thank you so much for making them! <3
  10. Hey! Don't worry about it. All is well right now. Live for the moment, and everything

    I love maps, and I love the Guild.

    At least I was back for your birthday... sort of!

    Hope you had a great time
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 39
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