Conversation Between Bogie and ThomasR

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep and for setting up the challenge, you always come up with great ideas and this one was a real motivator
  2. Thanks a lot for your support Bogie ! I'm not that taken down by my dropping out as I know I'll do it better by taking my time but that's very nice of you
  3. My pleasure
  4. Thanks for the Rep, Merci Boucoup.
  5. Thanks a lot Bogie
  6. Thanks for the REP, glad you liked my silly dungeon.
  7. Thanks a lot for the rep and for your vote on the lite challenge And a special thank you for coming up with this nice theme
  8. Thanks for the REP Thom!! Glad you like the map!!
  9. Thanks for your vote in the challenge Bogie, much appreciated and also thanks for the support on the WIP
  10. Thanks a lot Bogie ! Both for the rep and the wonderful idea you proposed for this challenge, it was really fun !
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 31
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