Conversation Between ChickPea and Greg

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha, well we all have to have a birthday on a Tuesday at some point. I got lucky this year, as I got a weekend.

    Anywho, I'm sure you'll find some way to enjoy it one way or another!
  2. Aw thanks, Greg! Tuesday's a rubbish day for a birthday, but I'll make the best of it.
  3. Happy birthday ChickPea! Hope you have a great day!
  4. Thanks for the nice comments and the rep ChickPea! I've definitely been trying to push elements in my work recently, so I'm pleased it's going down well!
  5. Thanks ChickPea! Pleased you like it, I was very glad at how it turned out in the end!
  6. Thanks for the rep and the tip on my Venian Ridge map, ChickPea!
  7. Thanks, GLS. Winter is coming and all that!
  8. Glad to see you back around the Guild again!
  9. Thanks for the rep and the comments ChickPea! Yeah, I have been busy with a couple of commissions, but just life in general keeping me away from the challenges. Still sneaking in on the Lite one this month!
  10. Thanks for the rep and the nice comments on my map ChickPea! I really appreciate them.
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