Conversation Between Mouse and ThomasR

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aw thank you Thomas - for the lovely comment, the rep, and the vote
  2. You really deserved that one, Thomas. Such a lot of work! Your maps were splendid enough to have taken 3-4 days each, not just one
  3. Thanks for the rep on Inktober, Sue, it's greatly appreciated !
  4. Thanks for the comment, rep and vote, Thomas
  5. Mon plaisir, Thomas. J'aime ton style
  6. Thanks for the rep and kind comments, Sue
  7. Very well deserved - especially with all those tiny, tiny little symbols you had to draw!
  8. Many thanks for the rep, Sue
  9. Amplement mérité
  10. Merci beaucoup pour le commentaire, la rép, et le vote, Thomas
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 84
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