Conversation Between Mouse and Bogie

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the Rep & Vote Mouse! Much appreciated.
  2. You're very welcome, Bogie
  3. Thanks for the REP and nice comment
  4. Thank you so much for the rep and the glowing praise for Merelan City and its surrounding waters And thanks also for the additional info on Columbus's ship!
  5. You're welcome Bogie I came to cartography from the perspective of a would-be-novelist with little or no interest in RPG, but the more I see of your maps the more I want to have a go
  6. Thanks for the Vote & Rep, I'm glad you like the map.
  7. Thanks for the Rep and the Vote! Glad you liked my dark map!
  8. Thanks for the rep and the comment, Bogie. Glad you liked my little red map
  9. You're very welcome, Bogie
  10. Thanks for the REP and the Vote, I appreciate it!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 46
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