Conversation Between ThomasR and Abu Lafia

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. got married? Moving, wedding, getting into "commision business"... there's a lot going on in your life lately. Congratulations my friend! Also many thanks for the rep, vote and your constant invaluable feedback!
  2. Thanks you my friend ! For the rep and the always constructive comments, you're a precious analyst
  3. Not really me, more like my lousy memory of german studies
  4. Thanks for the rep on Wunderbach thomrey, greatly appreciated! You know, you've been the initial name giver of that Region?
  5. Always a pleasure to gaze at your works
  6. Many thanks for the rep Thomas, always very appreciated!
  7. You're welcome ! It's always cool to see you try new things !
  8. Thanks for the vote and the feedback on the challenge map Thomas. Greatly appreciated!
  9. Thanks Abu ! The wrist's already healed and I'm planning the next one, in the same style but first, I'll try to advance on my GuildWorld map
  10. Gott in Himmel ! You saw the full extent of my german (studied it in school but unfortunately, you can see it didn't stuck well). Not intentional at all but I wanna see that steam !
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 23
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