Conversation Between Greason Wolfe and Kier

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for the rep. Glad you liked it. No, its not really finished. I was using the challenge to really try some new things. And the last week I was unable to pull off the thoughts in my head, especially in the Pit. Nothing was working out right, which is pretty normal as I am always trying new things and sometimes paint myself into a corner I can't get out of. I am still plugging away at it. Think I might add some more statues, leaning or fallen, so their full detail is on display, standing upright removes almost all of the detail in it. Also will allow more cobwebs to cling to. The Pit, I am not sure on, spikes, water, darkness or just some a couple spikes and skeletons there. Maybe some holes in the wall with snakes slithering in and out. Thanks again.
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