Conversation Between ladiestorm and Bogie

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you so much for the rep! This was a fun challenge, and it really helped me get a bit of a handle on my next few projects! I'm glad you liked my little story. I thought the ending was particularly interesting
  2. Hi, I watched most of the new Shanara Cronicles and it is worth the effort but it is not perfect. Even though Terry Brooks is one of the writers the show is quite different from the book ( mostly it is based on Book 3 )
    So give it a watch, but try not to compare. For me it helped that I really couldn't remember much of that book.
  3. Thanks, Bogie I realized that just AFTER I did it. So enjoy the free rep, k owing I went back and repped the map!
  4. HI Ladiestorm,

    You accidentally gave me the REP you intended for Loukana, not that I don't mind the extra points, Thanks. To be sure you give credit where credit is due, be sure to click on the REP badge icon that is in the same post where you want it to go. In this case, the one directly under Loukana's very nice map.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 14 of 14
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