Conversation Between Voolf and Greg

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Hehe, thanks a bunch Greg !
  2. Thanks for the rep and comment Voolf! I'd never done a city quite like this before so was really happy with how it turned out!
  3. Cheers for the rep, Voolf!
  4. Yep, still working on them, though there's 50+ of them to do, so it's taking a while. I was going to upload some (I know I keep saying that ) after I finish the current dungeon set I'm on now. Thanks for the rep on my Branikdur map by the way.
  5. Hey GLS, i was wondering what is up with the dungeon maps for the Verda map. Are you still working on them ?
  6. Thanks for the rep and comment, Voolf!
  7. Thanks for reputations.
  8. Cheers for the rep and kind words Voolf, I'm pleased you like the map.
  9. Thanks for rep GLS.
    Also congratulations for winning second silver compas.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9