Conversation Between Mouse and damonjynx

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're welcome, Damon - I think you did it just right in the end
  2. Thanks for the rep Mouse! I'd been toying with the idea of making the original into a proper "one shot" adventure and then I stumbled on the One Page Dungeon contest and thought, why not have a crack! I think the updated map works a lot better than the original. I should've made the scale 1 sq = 10 feet rather than 5 feet but what do you do... I might be able to re-size it to fit A0 paper and change the grid (to print as a battlemat)...
  3. You're very welcome Damon - well deserved
  4. Thanks for the rep Mouse. I like your bookmarks too!
  5. You're welcome, and I know! It feels great doesn't it Every map I see you draw gets better and better
  6. Thanks for the rep Mouse! It was fun. I find these challenges to be all about learning and having a go. I'm pretty chuffed that I'm in the middle of the field vote wise!
  7. You're welcome, and it's well deserved. That's an awesome map.
  8. Thanks for the rep, damonjynx
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 18 of 18
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