Conversation Between Bogie and Chick

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the Vote, very much appreciated!
  2. Thank you, Bogie, for the rep and especially for the kind comment
  3. Thank you for the vote and rep on Barsoom!!
  4. Thank you, Bogie!! Love the rep, but especially appreciate the comments!!
  5. Thanks for the REP, I am going to make a set with scrolls.
  6. Thanks Chick, I appreciate it.
  7. You're welcome, and thank you for the REP as well.
  8. Thanks for the REP, I never thought of doing a tutorial, and then I realized people were often asking me how I make the elements I post. It's pretty easy so it makes for a good tutorial.
  9. Thanks for the REP, glad you liked the Palace map.
  10. Thanks for the the Vote, much appreciated!

    Thanks for the Rep also.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
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