Conversation Between Greason Wolfe and aeshnidae

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for hitting me with the chew toy of rep! So sorry I'm delayed in posting my thanks!
  2. Thank you bunches for the vote and comment! And yes, the Dark Tower is a lot of reading...but it's worth it.
  3. Only a few thousand pages? Pish, that's like a week or so of reading for me. Anyway can't rep you right now but a well done map and well deserved silver compass.
  4. I have hundreds of them and it only takes me 4 minutes unless I am at work, in which case it only takes me 2 minutes. Gotta love high stress work environments.
  5. Thanks for the Chewtoy of Rep! Unlike my dogs, I'll try not to burn through it in 5 minutes.
  6. Well thank you, sir, for the kind words and the Rep. Always appreciate both.
  7. You are totally welcome. It was my pleasure.
  8. Thanks for the rep, vote, and comment! Much appreciated!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8