Conversation Between Son-of-Shem and Pixie

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi there.

    You will need to draw a lot and write notes on top of those drawings, so anything that will let you draw using layers is indispensable (gimp, photoshop, krita, etc).
    Then you need two more handy programs - g.plates and g.projector. Despite the similar names, they have little in common. G.plates is an academia piece of software to draw "plates" in a sphere and visualize their movement (spherical movement is difficult to imagine). G.projector is from NASA and allows you to create maps using many different projections.

    As to the starting set of plates, anything goes, as literaly anything will be changed so many times before you settle into something you like. There's a couple of threads going on now, with tectonic starts, why don't you just join the conversation?
  2. Hey, I see that you've done some plate tectonics based mapping. I'm looking to get into that, but am having a hard time figuring out (a) what software works for that, and (b) how to generate a starting set of plates. Do you have any suggestions??

    Thanks in advance!!
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