Conversation Between Falconius and Ilanthar

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks Ilanthar
  2. Thank you Ilanthar. I hope I'll finish it. I think I will since I've got ideas for the complete look of the map so I should be able to
  3. Thanks Ilanthar. Yeah I 'll keep working on it, but I just needed a break to work on other projects for a while.
  4. Thanks a lot for the vote and rep, Falconius. Will you keep working on yours? It was quite impressive already.
  5. Thanks for the comment and the rep, Ilanthar.
  6. Thanks Ilanthar!
  7. Thanks Ilanthar. I plan on returning to the theme I just got burnt out on that map. Mostly running into my lack of understanding of Blender. But I learned a lot about the program and that was the main goal.
  8. Thanks for your vote Falconius ! I will seriously take inspiration from you work since I plan to make some space ships maps in a not-so-distant future .
  9. Thank you for the comment and the rep Ilanthar, I appreciate it
  10. Thanks for the nice comment and the rep Ilanthar
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10