Conversation Between lostatsea and Sapiento

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Dear Guilder. It is traditional for me to solicit advice on my contest entries especially when they bomb so badly. It is the only way to Improve ! So if you can spare a few minutes what exactly was it that you personally found lacking in my entry “The Dark Journey “ Was it too simple ; Hard to understand : Too plain ?? Or something else ? I am asking so be blunt Thanks in advance for the advice ! It will help me Improve ! Sincerely lostatsea
  2. You're welcome!
    Maybe you could experiment with different colours and lighting.
  3. Thanks for your vote ! Any advice On how to improve this style ?
  4. Thanks for the vote and rep on the prison challenge. Please tell me what you did and didn't like about it !
  5. Congrats on your win !!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5