Conversation Between J.Edward and Larb

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks Larb
  2. I'm sorry to hear about that Larb.
    Maybe I can send you images of bright and awesome cities or something to pick up your spirits and aid motivation?
    I do hope it is a temporary 'ill' and not long term.
  3. I've been ill for a while. I want to get back in to making maps and things but I feel tired a lot and lack motivation.
  4. Hope you are doing okay Larb.
    Haven't seen you around on the Guild in a while... and I dearly miss your maps.
  5. Thanks for the rep on Fuervald and just generally being great conversation on here.
    Hope to see some new maps from you when time allows. Cheers, J
  6. Hey Larb, thanks for the rep and vote on the Thurian Age map.
    That perspective change was harder than I thought it would be, especially because I didn't thoroughly plan it out before jumping in.
    At Ilanthar's suggestion I might do it in color, though that's a bit daunting - color and shadow and all.
  7. Hey, I just realized my inbox is full. Give me a sec to clean that up. Sorry.
  8. Thank you for the comment and the rep Larb.
  9. I understand being constrained by a client's wishes. I only mentioned it because it is always one of the first things I notice usually because I try to imagine myself walking around them.
  10. Thank you Larb, as always, for the comment and the rep.
    It can be frustrating sometimes with a client that wants things that don't always make sense.
    But one must go on. Cheers.
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