Conversation Between SteffenBrand and ThomasR

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. And thank you for the rep, too =)
  2. Yes, for sleep deprivation and for that only - you know me ;P
    (Kidding of cause, wonderful work!)
  3. Thanks for the rep Steffen ! Do you mean I get it to compensate for sleep deprivation ? I'm glad you like it
  4. Danke dir! =)
  5. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !
  6. Thank you for the rep! I'll answer your questions in the thread soon =)
  7. Vielen Dank ! I accept the praises with great pleasure
  8. Thank you for the reputation, ThomasR! =)
  9. Didn't thought about that, but you are right - have to give you time to be able to re-rep */joke* Thanks so much! =)
  10. Thank you
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 33
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