Conversation Between ladiestorm and Greason Wolfe

4 Visitor Messages

  1. You are most welcome It was well deserved. And thanks, it's good to be
  2. Thanks for the vote, and good to see you back with us.
  3. It was my pleasure. Showed you map to the children of a couple friends and the kids loved it. And for me its always nice to see something a little different. Most of the other maps were fairly serious but yours was a little more light hearted and that stuck out for me.
  4. thank you so much for the reputation, and the kind comment about my map! I would never have thought about the look being one for a children's story, but it actually could do for one, couldn't it? I've actually published a children's book, so the thought that this map could work for one, I consider that high praise indeed!
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