Conversation Between Mouse and vorropohaiah

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. LOL! I have the same problem. Maybe we should do like the Queen does - have an ordinary birthday, and an official birthday - in September
  3. problem is my bday is in peak season (as im sure you know!) so prices are pretty high at that time so i usually end up going abroad off-peak as i'm a bit of a cheapo :p
  4. Maybe save up and spend your next birthday up there
  5. i went to Norwich and Edinburgh to visit family in April and it was lovely and cool. I went ona highland tour and was in my T-shirt. In April. in Scotland. was strange
  6. LOL! I live on the south coast, and much prefer Scotland for temperature!
  7. ouch. I really hate the summers here (Malta) and our spring/autumn are barely noticeable as it just seems to switch instantly from summer to winter, which, cuz of the humidity, feels a lot colder than it actually is. I much prefer the UK for instance
  8. WOW! I think the only time I've had to deal with temperatures like that was the day (32 years ago) when I did a chain survey of a local beach as part of my Biology A Level. The surface of the sand was 44 degrees behind the shelter of the dunes, and I burned my feet by making the mistake of taking my walking boots off to get a bit of fresh air to them!

    The little beetles I was counting in my grid square didn't warn me about that! LOL!
  9. it went up to 40 last weekend here. that's about 20 more than what I like
  10. LOL! Its hot enough up here in the UK right now, so I know what you mean!
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