Conversation Between Mouse and mixerbach

6 Visitor Messages

  1. LOL! Thanks MB

    And you're welcome!
  2. Your bad day makes me sad, Mouse (). Knowing that I made it brighter, however, makes me very happy ().
    In the words of that modern-day poet Butthead (of Beavis and Butthead), "Beavis, if, like, nothing sucked... huh-huh... you couldn't... like... tell what was cool... huh-huh... huh." LOL
    Hope that made you laugh too. Or, at the very least, didn't deeply offend you.
  3. Thanks for the rep you cheeky bugger!

    You made me laugh on what was otherwise a pretty bad day, so maybe I should be repping you instead
  4. LOL!!! Firebrand Choccies

    (Got the right profile this time )
  5. Oh... dark! For sure, Mouse. VERY dark. Like BURNT!
  6. Thanks for the rep Dark or light chocolate? LOL!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6