Conversation Between DanielHasenbos and ThomasR

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you for the rep thomrey!
  2. Hey Thomas, thank you for the kind words in the mapmaking request thread! Much appreciated!
  3. Would be great to see that. After your comment on the WIP I looked up Angers in google and it's really a beautiful city!
  4. You're welcome ! I've got a .psd file of medieval Angers sleeping on my hard drive with fantasy floor plans of the castle, I'll try to rework and post them.
  5. Thank you for the rep, Thom!
  6. Thanks for the vote Dan !
  7. Thanks for the rep and nice comments thomrey!

    EDIT: and the vote too, much appreciated!
  8. Thanks for the rep and comment Dan, you outdid yourself on this stronghold !
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 38 of 38
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