Conversation Between ladiestorm and J.Edward

9 Visitor Messages

  1. thanks for the Rep, John I tried to rep you earlier, but apparently I rep you too much! I have to spread some rep around and then I will be able to
  2. Thanks for the rep and comment on Trolnarm
  3. I'm in the midst of a commission atm, but I will try to drop in on Cathoulla later today with some advice for the commercial stuff.
  4. actually, I have now... Cathoulla City, a city by the sea.
  5. Hey ladiestorm, have you started your city map yet? I went looking for a thread, but haven't found one.
  6. Thanks for the rep Ladiestorm.
    And also wanted to comment back - your map was splendid. I'm glad you've really jumped in and really engaged in the Guild.
    I saw someone reference your map the other day when making a map request. Further proof for you.
    Go check it out - darn, can't post a link in here. Go check map request 'Professional fantasy worldmap and city/region/battle maps for RPG book'
  7. J.Edward, thanks so much for the rep, and your comment on my Merydyan map. That you consider it splendid entry means more to me than you can know! I am constantly inspired and awe struck by your maps! You are truly talented !
  8. you are quite welcome! It's well deserved
  9. Thanks for the rep on my little village
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9