Conversation Between ThomasR and J.Edward

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep John ! Your works inspired me to try another point of view, so thanks ! EDIT : and thanks for the vote !
  2. No, I didn't. It's a french artist who goes by Boulet. Here's his blog and the page where you can custom one just like this one.
    (the website doesn't allow me to post the address so, go to bouletcorp dot com and to the 23rd of january, this year)
    There's also an english version of the blog. Enjoy !
  3. Thanks for the rep on the Poh city map.
    Did you draw your avatar? I always love seeing that avatar.
  4. That's really impressive. And your towns keep getting better and better !
  5. Yep, one-day, relatively. 3 sessions spread over 3 days totaling about 16-18 hours.
    Thanks for the rep.
  6. It was my pleasure to admire this titanic work of yours
  7. Thanks for the rep on Haerlech.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 37 of 37
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