Conversation Between damonjynx and arsheesh

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Cool! Look forward to seeing the update.
  2. Hi arsheesh, I revised the text so the squares on the map now represent 10ft, much better tactically. I don't think all the combatants could've fit in area 5!

    I've created 2 x A0 battlemats that I'll post up.
  3. You bet! I wondered if this was intended as a OPD entry. Yeah I've gone back and forth between the 5ft vs 10ft scale myself. I cut my teeth on D&D 3.5 and the 5ft square is integral to the whole combat system. However after becoming acquainted with older rules iterations (I'm quite fond of B/X) I can totally see the appeal of the 10ft square. Well, I wish you all the best in the OPD contest. May you take home a prize!
  4. Thanks for the rep Arsheesh! I'd been toying with the idea of making the original into a proper "one shot" adventure and then I stumbled on the One Page Dungeon contest and thought, why not have a crack! I think the updated map works a lot better than the original. I should've made the scale 1 sq = 10 feet rather than 5 feet but what do you do... I might be able to re-size it to fit A0 paper and change the grid (to print as a battlemat)...
  5. Hi Damonjynx, hmm, I don't have much spare time at the moment unfortunately, but perhaps this is a project I can work on in the future. The basic procedure is a simple enough one, but it does take a bit of time to achieve (and actually, this being my first attempt at Celtic Knots, I see quite a bit of room for improvement in my own attempts). But I'll consider your request and see if I can find time to create a walk-through at some point.

  6. Hi Arsheesh,

    It would be really nice if you could find time to do a tut or whatever on the Celtic Knot. Does it take a long time to get right? And you're very welcome for the comments on your map, it is brilliiant.
  7. Damonjynx, thank for your comments on my Sketchy endeavor map (and for the Rep). Just to let you know though, I didn't include any knot-work in the border's tutorial, that was something I just recently figured out how to do.

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