Conversation Between - Max - and Diamond

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks much for the comment and the rep on Queen's Thief map !
  2. Thanks much for the rep and the comment Jim, hope you do well
  3. Thanks for the rep and the comment Jim, glad to be able to post some stuff again
  4. Thank you for the rep Jim Yea, business seems running pretty good since I've started it
  5. Thanks for the rep and the comment Funny that you're just reading it right now, hope you enjoy the book!
  6. Will do. Could you please send me your e-mail contact in PM that I could store it?
  7. I would seriously buy that Maltese Falcon map as a poster, so if you ever redo it poster-size, make sure you let me know!
  8. Thanks for the rep and the vote Damn I should have made it at poster size
  9. Thanks for the rep and the comment Jim !
  10. Thanks Jim, for the rep and the comment
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 22
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