Conversation Between Ascension and Jord

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Wonderful site! Thanks very much!
  2. Try this link, it has a lot of hand drawn terrain symbols:

  3. Ascension,

    I'm new to mapping and photoshop but have decided to attempt something using your tutorial for antique style maps using Photoshop. It should be doubly interesting as I'm completely new to Photoshop. I figure I have half a chance due to the detail and quality of the tutorial - thanks for that.

    I'm planning on making a medieval map with a landmass approximately the size of Australia and similar in habitat - everything from desert to wetland, jungle, etc...I was thinking of using more "hand drawn" icons for trees, wetlands and mountains similar to those on the maps found in The Hobbit and LOTR but am unsure of representing jungle-like areas or desert as I'm planning on making it just black and white other than some aging effects. Do you have any ideas that might point me in the right direction?


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