Conversation Between Bogie and Jaxilon

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the REP Jax, having my maps used is the best reason for making them! And the vote is just a bonus on top!!
  2. Thanks Jax, again, I appreciate the support. The objects I use run the full range from other peoples objects that I picked up at DundJinni and used as is, to objects I modified a little, to objects I created out of textures I downloaded from sites like cgTextures. But the objects I can take full credit for are the thousands of things that I have taken photos of and then photoshopped into mapping objects. And I remember where most of those things were photographed. I drive my wife crazy cause everywhere we go I am taking top-down pictures of stuff. The one thing I don't do is actually draw anything, to date I have not discovered the slightest shred of drawing skill. Who knows, maybe someday.
  3. I hadn't realized you were actually making so many of the items used in your maps. I must have thought you were just modifying existing ones for use in PS for creating your own maps. This is even better than I thought. I think it would help with votes you get during the contests or at least garner more respect if folks knew you drew each piece. I can be obtuse at times but I never realized you were making so many objects. All I caught was they were from dunjinni or something. You are doing WAY more than just using a "stamper", so if I were you I would consider a note or something about how the objects where made by you unless it's already on there. Anyway, I'm glad to have made your day
  4. Thanks Jax, I really appreciate the encouragement. It probably helps that I have created such a huge library of objects & textures that 50 - 60% of the stuff in my maps was made by me.
    Anyway, Thanks, you made my day! Merry Christmas and or Happy Holidays!
  5. Well speaking from someone who's seen your work evolving over the years I think you have hit another milestone because it's looking really fantastic lately.

    I think you know (since I'm some sort of weird purist who has this need to draw all his own stuff) that it takes more from this style of mapping to really impress me. I just want to let you know I'm being impressed.

    It's like you've found a new level of polish that makes me want to use your maps in my gaming sessions. I know how much a good bit of encouragement fills an artists sails so I want to make sure you know what I'm feeling lately while I'm looking at your stuff.

    It's like, "Wow, Bogie's getting so good at this I don't even think about where the bits of art came from." In other words, the skill at which the pieces are being manipulated and put together to make the whole are so good it's an art of it's own.

    So, in case nobody else is seeing it, now you know I am.

    Best Regards!

  6. Thanks for the REP and comment Jax. I started off just thinking this was going to be a quick simple dungeon map, but I really liked the way it evolved. This one and the Dark Shadows map for last month's challenge are my favorite maps that I have done in a long time.
  7. Thanks for the vote Jax!
  8. Thanks for the Rep. I have to agree with everything atpollard said.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8