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Thread: City of Ivaton

  1. #1

    Map City of Ivaton

    Ivaton - Base Map.jpg

    "Ivaton is a large town surrounded by thick forests on all sides. The best way to travel to and from the town is the Reston River, which streams down from the mountain range to the north."

    Media: A4 paper and Micron pen

    This map took some time to complete. It was first created as a sketch in my little black notebook of maps:
    Ivaton Sketch.jpg

    And then made into the final version. There are several mistakes in there, but at one point I will redraw it using some of the Adobe Products and will resolve them.
    Here are a few more photos of the map:

    Ivaton - side photo 1.jpg
    Ivaton Sketch - WIP.jpg

    As this is my very first post on this forum, a few words about me:
    I have been drawing maps as a hobby for about two years now. They are mostly related to adventures that I have created for my players. Surprisingly, I found that mapmaking brings me a lot of enjoyment, so it stuck with me.
    As media, I do prefer to use pen and paper to draw, but lately I am focusing more on digital tools like PhotoShop and Adobe Fresco.

    Hope you like it.

  2. #2


    I like the map. The trees are great and the plan of the city is realistic. Good job

  3. #3


    Very nice map!

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