Demon caves1.jpg

The Demon King of Telaria was a tyrant lord and founder of the Telarok Horsemen, a nation mounted barbarians known for their superior horse breeding, their prowess in battle, and bloodlust. Whether the Demon King was actually a demon or simply a widely feared mortal has been lost to time. Oral tradition of the Telarok tell of his death at the hands of the combined might of his greatest chieftans. After he had been laid to rest, the Telarok splintered into uncounted clans and and scattered across Telaria, reveling in their freedom to roam and live without the limitations of the Demon King. Over centuries, the Telarok's blood cooled enough that outsiders could trade with them and travelers could pass through the plains of Telaria fairly safely.

The gate to the crypt was recently found hidden deep among the vaults of Cloudwalk, the greatest city of Telaria. What lies beyond the the ensorcelled, solid-gold vault door is not known, but rumors in the city say that the door is slowly melting, though no heat can be detected. People are afraid that if the vault is ever opened, the city of Cloudwalk will not be a place for man or beast.

Tried something new here. I drew the map by hand on a gridless blank page, scanned it in, then in GIMP adjusted it slightly to fit a grid... then added the gridmarks.
