
I am running a homebrew DnD campaign that is coming to end after a long few years. I am looking to get a city map commissioned of the Imperial capital city that the party is infiltrating for the conclusion.
I am open to pretty much any style but am interested in a vantage that looks like a tilt shift aerial photography view if that makes sense/is feasible.

I am happy to provide any additional information as needed.

My campaign takes place in the continent of Bastion. The city is named Bara'ad Darum. It is the imperial capital city that rules over neighboring city states. The city is very wealthy and militaristic. The rule of law and order are held above all else in it's society. The city is situated in a narrow mountain pass in which a river runs up to. The river has been magically altered to run from the sea inland to allow easier trade in, giving the city a sizable port. The most significant feature of the city is it's massive wall at the rear which cuts off the continent from it's western region. The mountains themselves are impassible leaving the west a mystery to the peoples of Bastion. (This is the main point of conflict in the campaign as neighboring nations are waging war to overthrow the empire and topple the wall opening up the continent to western expansion).

The city is stepped up into the mountains and up to the wall, with the imperial palace at the highest point ala Minas Tirith. From the palace a sinlg3e narrow bridge leads to a sealed gate high upon the wall. The upper most steppe of the city surrounding the palace is reserved as a green space with ornate botanical gardens. The next steppe down is for military commanders, temples, and the upper crust of society. Further down you have merchants and artisans and lower military ranks, and a coliseum. Further down the city expands out of the stepped system into where the common folk live. A large outer wall protects the3 city boundaries and the lowland hills are surrounded by farm lands.

I have included a very rough sketch of my general idea of the city and my campaigns continental map.

I am looking for professional/ semi-professional quality. This map would be for personal use only and maybe a print out to hang framed in my office, so the artist can have full copyright. I don't have a time constraint necessarily but would love to have it to be able to show the players in the next month if possible.

I can be contacted at Rmax.pngScreenshot 2022-12-08 202241.pngoeser--L--Davis "at" gmail.com (remove the -- and replace "at" with @). Please contact me about your rates or any questions or further details you want.