l have A game session planned for the end of the year and I need to get some stuff created. I figured I may as well post my wip.

For the record this is just for my personal use and A lot of info on my world is in my head. I don't plan to make master pieces so a lot is going to be for informational purposes but if your can adapt it for your own game have at it. This is also an opportunity for me to try some Rapid visualization techniques that may or may not work

This is going to be heart of the session but I have hopes to add A town and ruins. And it all needs done by end of December so lets not get Crazy. LOL

Without boring you with the story... maybe later, the setting is in the wilderness near A small rural town. I hope to draw a little town and A ruin in mountains nearby which is where the entrance to this cavern will be discovered.

I may come back later and redo my hand drawn labels but they will Suffice for my needs. I've worked with less.

World background: Post Apocalyptic sci fi fantasy. Basically ultra technological utopia lost, plunging man into the dark ages. For simplistic reasons you may think of it as A fantasy realm. I only mention this so the portal device at the end won't throw you. In case anyone cares.

The caves are mostly very rough with uneven floors. They are dank wet and in places partially frozen over. There are stalactites , stalagmites and lots of hidey holes for nasties to spring from.

cavern WIP.jpg