Hey all!
After hiding in the shadowy corners of this great forum I've finally decided to start posting! I'm pretty much a novice at cartography, though I do have quite some experience with Photoshop. My love for maps stems mostly from video games, fantasy books and a fondness of displaying a lot of information in a compact, clear way.
I'm a little intimidated by the skill of some people here, but I guess that just means there is a lot to learn for me!

This is a map I made for my RPG group some months back, my very first complete map. Unfortunately the GM didn't allow me to make it any more detailed - it was supposed to be a cheap paper map we bought from someone. In the world the forests are probably a bit less blotchy, and there might be some roads between the Western and middle cities. (And a thanks to Schwarzkreuz for the brushes!) Another project of mine should be ready to post today.

Oh, and my hands smell of brownies right now. Thought you should know. Any questions?