Back in the late 90s I had a friend from high school go off to college for computer programming. He'd been programming as a hobby for a couple years and was light-years ahead of his classes in the beginning. The spring semester of his first year, his professor challenged him to make a game. Jumping at the chance to use my art schooling I tagged along for the front end visual stuff (and the fun of world building). We pulled a month of all-nighters hammering out basic plot and back story. It was a good time.

After a couple weeks of back story, I started into the graphic part of world building. A few redesigns later and this is as far as I got before he took it and built the map in the game (which unfortunately didn't get finished by the end of the semester and died). I had to cut up my original 24x36 hand drawn to scan it. Cringed a bit at the first cut but I think it will be worth it. I want to complete this as my first map. I haven't decided if I'm going to go digital or have another go at hand drawn.

There's a bit of tweaking I need to do to make some ideas more believable with landmasses and rivers but I'm excited

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