
I first used a tablet in 1987-1988. I know I just dated myself as being old. The tablet was part of my High-School's Acad program. It took me a few months to get used to it. Once I managed to get the hang of it, it worked well and was quicker than the mouse. I stopped using a tablet due to the cost in buying my own at the time. A few years ago I purchased a small tablet for my Art Director to get him into do more work on the computer. He has graduated to a newer and better tablet. Last year I acquired a tablet and have slowly gotten back into using it. When I edit artwork or someone's work besides mine a mouse is easier for me. If I am working on an original image or map the tablet gives me greater flexibility. You can now get a good starting tablet for around $90.00 to $100.00 U.S. The only problem I run into is when I am on the road. A tablet is another piece of kit to take.
