I think I will download a couple of those other freeware astro proggies and see if I can get some other reports for planetary positions in September 15605. But ... still ... same question: whom do we trust?
On second thought, to hell with it. I'll go with Starry Night. I got better things to do with my time than triple-cross-check this data.

We're always told to get a second opinion in medical matters. But what if the first doctor was right, and the second one's wrong? Even a third opinion doesn't really help much: there are times when the majority's right, and times when it's wrong (bin thar dunit). Again, it comes down to where you place your trust. Don't tell me you never disregarded the adivce of "all your friends" and did something your own way, and afterwards you were glad you did. It happens!

Bottom line, I doubt any of us will be around in the year 15,605 ... nor will this map. Too bad, huh, on all counts.