So I recently saw and read through Dyson's Delve (if you're familiar with it) and it inspired me to practice a fairly simple multi-level stacked dungeon...

So I set to work... and came up with these four simple dungeons after about 1.5 hours (I was watching Netflix, like ya do). And of course, I haven't scanned the sketches yet, so here's a not-super-great cell phone photo.

I had a good time, and with the success and fun of the previous four, I went ahead and made 8 more levels... (I actually landed on my theme for the dungeon around level 7, which required a bit of a redesign of the first few levels) I'll show those later...

I didn't scan the sketches because I wasn't sure if I'd ink and scan them or try making them on GIMP... Today, in about an hour, I was able to put out this version of Level 1 (take a look at the lower left for comparison)

I'm a little torn. I'm planning on embellishing a lot of it with a tablet at home. Things like the hatching for the negative space, some dungeon dressing details, etc. I want to use snap to grid and mechanically straightened shapes for things like stairwells and walls.
So far, this map was done with just a mouse and snap-to-grid, but it feels really, really soulless.


Time sunk in this so far: 7 hours.