My first WIP! :-) This is VERY early stage. I'm only getting a few minutes here and there. This is a framed map which is more of a picture than a traditional map. I'm thinking of using it in my game. I scanned the image (B&W) in at 300dpi but my lines are so faint I'm not sure anyone will be able to see them. Right now I am working on the two threes which surround the interior image. Haven't started on that yet. Been drawing - erasing - get new piece of paper - try again. So really not a lot to look at but I wanted those who have encouraged me to do it to know I am working on this. Just - 14 hour work days don't leave you with a lot of energy. Mainly, you just want to go to bed when you get home. :-)

Background: Somewhere in the mountainous region of Kilarn there are two mountains (La Toreno and El Captiane) which mark the passage from the world of beauty to the world of death. The map is to show the world of beauty. To put it bluntly - there are two mountain ranges which meet and end with these two large mountains. On one side of the mountain ranges there are forests, grasslands, etc.... On the other is nothing but a desert that stretches for hundreds of miles past the mountain ranges. This map is used to just show what the area is like outside of the desert. More as I make decisions on exactly how to show everything. (Still trying to decide orthogonal or what. Also just how large I should depict the two mountains.)

Anyway - here is my current sketch I'm working on. Not much to see but like I said - just wanted those who have encouraged me to "get on with it" to see that I am SLOWLY making progress. :-)

Thursday, March 05, 2015.png