April / May 2015 Lite Challenge: Map What You Want To.

This months challenge is going to be less specific than usual. Map whatever the heck you want to! Anything, anyway, any style.

Thru the winter there were a few people who posted that they didn't enter because the topic didn't interest them. I have to admit there have been times I didn't enter because my interest level was low. Well, a big point of these challenges is to simulate getting a commission and making the map someone else wants by a specific deadline.

BUT, it this also about having fun! SO,,,Do what ever kind of map that makes you happy!!

The Challenge will end on or about the 14th of May, then after 3 days voting someone will get a Silver compass!

Don't forget to use the ###Latest WIP### Thingy so your maps will show up in the Thumbnail scraper.

Happy Mapping !