Just trying to learn GIMP before I start my next book.

The books to date are the Parky's espionage trilogy and the FYOG - 200 years ahead English Dictatorship series and they had maps painted on the inside of the reader's eyelids but within defined existing areas of countryside where the plot drew the map.

Now looking at other planets, fantasy, space, inter-planetary and it would be nice to be able to sketch maps to match the words, so images and words are throughout the book.

First and basically early step is to learn to use Gimp 2.8.

I know there are people there to do this but it is chicken and egg ... by the time I can afford them I won't need them and when I need them I can't afford them.

I did photography in the 60s and I have created all my book covers from my own photographs and PhoXo so far but I need to learn the right tools for the job and thus I have joined the Guild.