Thank you everone.

Here is the latest update.


I need your opinion on a few things.

First are the rivers. R1 or R2

lakes, L1 or L2, right now I like L1 the most.

and lastly the coasts, which are a reall pain to do. I have to zoom %2000 to tweak the coasts. but anyway. C1 has a lighter blue on the layer beneath, C2 is a mid way between C1 and C4, C3 is with no modification, and C4 is with the light blue layer beneath and the most extensive rework involving %2k zoom. I think C4 looks the best but this is getting rediculous, and is what I am leaning towards.

On to the next thing, I tried to start with labling and adding settlments and giving it a sense of being inhabited and things didn't work out well. I don't know what it says about me but simply adding towns and cities left me so overwhelmed that I only added one. I was having a problem of trying to figure out the hisorical context of a single settlment and the people who lived there by starting with a prehistory population map, the idea didn't work. I need to come at this from a different angle. Hopefully I'll figure it out.