I took things in a bit of a new direction today as I added in a frame and side-panel. I decided to go for a tablet-style presentation, something Captain Jean-Luc Picard might look at while he's sipping his "Tea, Earl Grey." The Activation button is a variation on my personal logo.

I added in some button-style city logos and eliminated most of the big continental labels. I kept the western continental label, but changed it to "Western Hives". The idea with this continent is that it's got big populations broken up into small city-states who engage in petty conflicts while currying favor with the superpowers. This is analogous to some parts of Europe and the Middle East during the Cold War. I tried tweaking the settlement logos for the client states of each superpower that are on the western continent, and I'm concerned that they may be hard to tell apart. I'm having trouble seeing the difference at 100% zoom, but I'm red-green color impaired, so it's a bit tricky playing with that kind of subtlety to begin with. Regardless, I don't think I'm really conveying the full extent of what I had in mind for the western continent, and I'm out of ideas on how to play it up without detracting from the strategic super-weapons picture, which is the main effort for this map.

Any ideas on refining this map and its presentation further?

### Latest WIP ###