i found this place (yaay). New to design, but have some ambitious poster projects. Been working on macromedia flash 5 for years. Slow on the gimp uptake, but just discovered inkscape. Have a new wacom tablet, learning the stylus ropes too. Main challenge is attached (and SO related to your alls last challenge).

i have a cookbook drawn map (best in the world ive seen) of african continent. Want to bend it (or retrace/redraw) into google earth and place it on the right (of stretched globe)...digitized africa and europe on the right of canvas.

Next want to 'stamp' clone the valleys, trees, rivers, mountains into general south american, central america and north america on the LEFT of the canvas: where i DONT have a map. Level of detail? ...somewhere between or along lines of the awesome: L'Arcipelago di portaovenere and isle of Arran is fine. Am i doomed to massive drawing (years of drawing/original art) or can it be done with a few weeks hard copying work? What 5-6 main steps? Can inkscape even right tool? (support this dpi without crashing? can't afford high-end illustration tools yet). I give thanks for any directions suggestions either way (smile). Thank you and best regards.Screenshot (1737).png