Even if my entry from the last challenge isn't entirely finished yet, the Star-Wars topic of this lite challenge is way too tempting to leave it out! I was digging a lot of Star-Wars stuff for my spaceport map, so ideas came by easily... With this entry i'm heading to the homeworld of the great rebel leader Admiral Ackbar: The aquatic planet Mon Calamari ("Dac" in native tongue). I always wanted to do a "semi-underwater" map and Naboo with the Gungans were no choice for me (out of personal reasons...the prequel still hurts ). As i haven't read anything from the huge pile of Star-Wars books, comics, etc. i have to rely on the internet databases and will go with a "non-canonical" site on the planet. A medium sized Mon Calamari colony spread over a reef.
That's, what i have so far:
### Latest WIP ###

Some time ago, i stumbled over this great contourline script for Gimp by Zach. I used it for a map i did for a friend for an rpg session, but wasn't entirely happy with the result (i may upload it here one day though). So i thought the shelves of a reef might be a good occasion to pull it out again. I had to do a lot of "fuzzy-select" steps to select the space between the countour lines for working on every shelf edge seperately. As i have no idea of scripting myself, i couldn't modify it to have a faster workflow.

Things to do:
- For the landmass i want to make some "plateaus" in a similar way. Maybe i find a shortcut till then.
- The colony buildings (docks, underwater glasdomes) will be in the "organic" style of the well known Mon Calamari Star Cruisers.

As this is not an "official" place from the films/ books, etc., i have a bit more artistic freedom and that's why i'm totally open for suggestions (and ofc for critique and comments as usual )
