
Gerstheim is south of Zweimühlen and probably the most important - more or less well - fortified Rivercrossing the heroes have to secure if they want to be able to defend themselves - and keep trade flowing. Necrorius of Zweimühlen has made the local Junker into a bound Ghost, cursed to keep watch over the city.

There will be swampy areas where torfstecher work, some woods nearby etc.
The only parts really finished are the Graveyard and Mott

Gerstheim - Boronanger.jpg
The Graveyard, with the old Hangmanstree ( on the right of the central gravefield ), a small chapel ( central achsis of the halfwheel-arrangement of graves ), serpentine ways upwards to the hilltop yard. There is a small plateau right next to the river some 20 meters atop some sharp rocks - youths and elder weary of life pray to Marbo there to take their souls before they jump down.
Almost Halfway up to the citizens graveyard in halfwheel, there is a split tree attrackting lightning. It is said to be blessed by the Warrior-Goddess of the Storm, Rondra. It follows, that the locals bury their soldiers and warriors and heroes here, in orderly formation to await ressurection at the end of time for the final fights.
Beyound the Hangmanstree down the river again is a less used path. Here the heretics and undesireables are buried close to the water amidst shrubbery and plants and animals.

Gerstheim - die befestigte Brücke.jpg
The fortified bridge used to be much less of a river-Fortress. However, in the past ten years amidst struggle, hardship and warlords handing over control of the city in bloody fight after fight, it became important to fortify the bridge to defend against assaults from different directions. Thus there are no less than 3 Gatehouses and the central Guardhouse on the bridge itself, having murderholes at the ready to destroy ships trying to go underneath the bridge, and / or provide refuge for the citizens.

Gerstheim - die Bürger und Handwerkerstatt.jpg
The city itself, close to the bridge, has a small shrine to the god of hammer and anvil. Here mostly Craftsmen live, the same Craftsmen that expanded the bridge over the years and provide for a small bit of wealth in the city. To the west lies the Townsmens Houses, who are of higher status. Here is also the place of the sun - ( on the WiP there is Gallows and Tribunals and Planks and such things as well as a small market missing ). On this Sunplaza the Ghostly Junker holds court and speaks the law.

South is the ( in this WiP as of yet unfinished ) anchorage for riverboats. A single small ship can be seen

Gerstheim - Hochmotte.jpg
This is also almost done. The "Motte" is a wooden Fortress atop a hill, surrounded by pallisade walls and water, able to sustain Refugees for a short while - weeks if necessary - in case of a siege.