Seeing as this month is nearly over, I want to quickly explain why I'll have to drop out of the current contest. After progressing on the Goblin Emperor map normally through the beginning of the month, I had an unrelated, huge graphic design project dropped on me that would consume all of my time for a couple of weeks. Now that project is finally over, I naturally find that I have no time left to complete the challenge map by the deadline. I am now back to working on this map, however, and I'm fully committed to finishing it. I'll post it in the Finished Maps forums when it's done (in a few more weeks, probably).

It's disappointing, as I was really hoping to compete in this challenge. These things happen. Paying work has to take precedence over our fun projects, after all.

For what it's worth, this is where the map currently stands. Since I'm withdrawing, I'll ask that nobody vote for this (I certainly wouldn't!). Spread your votes among the finished maps.

### LATEST WIP ###