The Fey Country is much like any land with magic and dark places filled with terrors and wonders and queens who walk in the night and stir the creatures of the world. Just your average country, really.

I'm thinking I'll do this in b&w... and I may give it a pretty dark theme for fun and flavor.
### LATEST WIP ###
GuildWorld Map 02 wip1.jpg

Oh, and Barek? Your country may have forgotten (or at least your fanatics have chosen to) but you left that land-to-the-sea abandoned. Except for a very few, your people pulled back out of fear of being tainted and gave no aid to my folk when the Plague swept from the west and delivered half of my country to the grave. Let your malcontents try to enter if they wish. My folk are the caretakers of it now.

In other areas, the Fey folk are on much better terms with their neighbors. There are remnants of the west country (pre-plague) still in existence across the great river where the folk still keep cities and trade with the peoples of Korash and Abu Lafia. And, although the lands of Falconius have swallowed a bite of the old realms to the south, which include some paths to sacred places the Fey folk still visit on occasion, they are generally on good terms and live peaceably with mutual respect and understanding. Less certain are the relationships between The Dry Lands to the north and the country of Daniel Hasenbos, but time will tell.